People with Grey Life Syndrome have a life that is not good, not bad--simply bearable! They have decided to settle for okay and give up the struggle for excellence. Occasionally they may feel happiness, self-esteem, joy and love, but the feeling is very brief, then it is back to okayness.
Their belief is that it is not necessary to be happy with the job; it can be okay or irritating if it feeds us. Television will get them through the weekend. They do not believe life can get better, they strive to make it tolerable.
Are you playing small instead of dreaming big? Are you aiming to get by instead of experiencing adventure? Are you operating on autopilot where life is safe and predictable instead of using your creative thinking abilities? Have you settled on safety to avoid being threatened or challenged?
If we are not starving in the street, we can sometimes get complacent with our circumstances. If you are moderately comfortable with your current state, you might not be motivated enough to really dig in and attempt something bold, daring and challenging. Creativity is simply the process of looking at the same thing as everyone else and seeing something new.
In order to feel alive, a man must feel that he is growing, that he is continuously becoming more useful. The alternative--working day after day and year after year at routine tasks merely to keep his physical husk alive--is a form of occupational vegetating that dulls both the mind and the spirit.
Take a risk! Taking risks helps to keep you youthful, as well as preventing your life from becoming a yawn-inducing routine. Forget perfect--just do it. No one is perfect. There will always be ups and downs, but the ups should outweigh the downs…and the progress is steady, not 'perfect.' However, the results are lasting.
The Grey Life Syndrome people who will not strive after better things cut themselves off from all the glorious and wonderful possibilities of attainment. One word of caution: This does not mean lazily being a mediocre employee while you wait for the lucky opportunity to appear. The Universe will not give you your next assignment until you are overqualified for this one.
Each person has his own way to success and his own kind of success. Your path to greater progress will not be exactly the same as that used by anyone else, even if the principles for achieving success are the same.
Live life to the fullest. Do everything you can to live a great life, not just a ‘get by’ life. Help others…be a hero, be kinder, love with all your heart and live life like you mean it.
The secret to success or failure, happiness or unhappiness, is that we become what we think about most. Your nature as a human is to grow, develop and unfold into your greatest good. That is where true prosperity lives.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Have You Joined The Crowd Who Have Grey Life Syndrome?
Posted by Gloria at 11:25 AM
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